Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Would you steal?

I have friends that had steal so many things: clothes, accessories, money... I never understand for what reason they done it, they had money to buy things but anyway they love stealing and don't waste money. So worry about the increasingly thefts for the actual situation of crisis I'm showing us an infographic made by myself where I'm illustrating the biggest theft ever in the art world.
Maybe I don't choose the right colors, in the las vignette the dark blue and the black of the silhouettes don't contrast, and the story is a little bit confusing if you don't know anything about it. I recognize that the number of paintings stealing in the chronological graphic in years is difficult to interpret but anyways I love my work and the hours that I spend doing it are worth it.

Bad decisions that's allright welcome to my silly life.