Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why am I so afraid?

Anyone of us is afraid to take a plane? I am.
Even in a recent post I've said  I want to travel a lot there's a thing I can't hide that is my fear for planes. I take so many in my life but anyways every time I have to caught one I shiver. 

After doing this infographic about airplane crashes my fear increase....

This graphic is about  the most important aircrafts in the last 10 years. Maybe some information is not clear, because I don't divide every kind of graphic with his information, I want to say that I'm putting a chronological graphic I put an scatterplot with the most important crashes, a bar chart, a treemap and a map with bubbles. It's not to informative and not so efficient as it could be but I've found it very beauty and I like the colors I choose.

Tell me your opinion and what I could have done better!

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